DevSecOps - Beginners guide


DevSecOps is the combination of development, securities and operations. It's an approaches that imposes the security practices and processes into the entire software development lifecycle. It should be applied on planning and coding stages to testing, deployment and on going operations. After all this will work on the whole development process. 

Why DevSecOps needed?

With the rapid pace of software development and deployment organizations needed the secured platform to develope the software and then deploy. Without slowing down the process, the DevSecOps is needed to perform all the tasks altogether. That's why DevSecOps is needed.

How it works?

It works in 4 ways.

They are: 

1. Collaboration

2. Automation

3. Continuous Security

4. MOnitoring

You can relate this topic with DevOps. But the difference is the Security.

Benefits of DevSecOps:

The two main benefits of DevSecOps are speed and security. Development teams deliver better, more-secure code faster, and, therefore, cheaper.

DevSecOps Manifesto describes that ," The purpose and intent of DevSecOps is to build on the mindset that everyone is responsible for security with the goal of safely distributing security decisions at speed and scale to those who hold the highest level of context without sacrificing the safety required." 

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How can you adopt this techniques?

- By learning advanced coding method.

- Implementing the security testing into the CI/CD pipeline. 

- Make use of vulnerability scanning and code analysis tools to catch security flaws early on...

Actually this is related to the DevOps sector. So if you want to learn this in more advanced way, then learn DevOps first, if you can then you must need some basic knowledge in software development model and lifecycle. Learn different testing criteria such as black box testing, white box testing etc. You also should learn cloud computing such as AWS, Microsoft Azure etc. Learn coding with memory saving techniques etc.

Learn more. 


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